Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Where did the summer go?

First of all I want to apologize for my absence over the summer.  When I saw that my last post was the beginning of June I literally laughed out loud.  I cannot believe it has been that long!  I am thrown by the fact that the summer seems to have gone by SO fast, but we did SO much over the past few months that it makes sense.  

A quick recap of our summer (photos soon)...

At the beginning of July, I interviewed for a new job with a fantastic company (literally the day before we left for the UK).  After a 6 hour interview with 8 different people, I knew that I wanted the job even more than when I had applied.  It seemed like such a wonderful company that really valued its employees.  So the next day we left on our trip to England, with a quick nights stay in New York. 

This was my favorite trip to England to date.  We got to spend a lot of time with Chris' family, all of whom have been so nice and welcoming to me since the first time I met them.  Then we got to take off for a few days to explore Ireland and meet his Irish family.  I felt so 'at home' in Ireland.  The people were so friendly everywhere we went and his family treated me as one of their own (literally called me cousin!).  :)  

We were sad to leave Ireland but we had a very special event to look forward to back in England:  Chris sister was getting married!  We got to be involved in the events leading up to the wedding, where Chris was also best man.  We had a wonderful time at the wedding.  It was probably one of the most fun weddings I have been to!

A few days before the wedding I finally got the call (after many international calls to the hiring manager, might I add!) from the company I had interviewed with......and I got the job!!  What a great feeling!  

I started my new job mid-August and have not had one tiny regret about taking the position.  I am amazed that a company could care so much for its employees and offer such wonderful perks and benefits.  I know that this is where I will build my career, without a doubt!

Just before starting the new job, I was able to visit my family and friends up in Washington and had a wonderful time.  Then Chris and I took off for a quick weekend camping trip up to Yosemite National Park.  It was very relaxing and we both had a wonderful time.

Labor Day weekend was a quick trip up to Portland to visit family and friends and we couldn't have asked for a better time!  

And...TOMORROW Chris' parents arrive from England to visit for two weeks!  We have a lot planned for them...including a country music concert and a weekend cabin trip up at Yosemite (I told you we loved it!).

We are beginning to make our holiday plans now and have decided to spend Thanksgiving just the two of us in Santa Barbara...and then up to Washington and Portland for the Christmas / New Years break!  Phew!  

No wonder the summer seemed to slip by in a blink!  Luckily for us we still have the sunshine and warm weather for a bit longer (although we just got the exciting news that Heavenly resort up at Lake Tahoe is already getting snow!!!!!)!!!

Can you tell we are excited for boarding this season?  ;)

Photos to come soon...