Friday, June 4, 2010

Four Weeks & Counting...

It looks like this elbow nonsense has been a big distraction from the anticipation of Chris and I's upcoming vacation and it is now only four weeks from tomorrow until we are off! 

Saturday, July 3rd we are off to the Big Apple to kick off the trip.  We thought it might be a nice way to break up our journey over to the UK, plus I have always wanted to go to NYC!  :)  So we stay there until Sunday night when we take off for London.  We will spend a few days with Chris' family before heading over to Galway Ireland for three days to visit some more of his family, and then back to London! 

It is a special trip, as Chris' sister is getting married so we are both really excited!  It will be a great way to get to see everyone and are looking forward to the celebration.  I am sure I will have loads of photos to share when we return!  :)

In the meantime, I will be counting down the days...suddenly 4 weeks seems like a very long time!!